John Chapman - 25 years service
Anne Hawthorne - 25 years
Gordon Auty - 30 years
Pat Dooley - 30 years
Peter Dooley - 30 years
Jill Ridley - 30 years
Daphne Sayce - 30 years
John Hyde - 35 years
Alan Durman - 40 years
Gill Haslam - 40 years
Jill Hyde - 40 years
Alec Dawe - 50 years
Ann Dawe - 50 years
Audrey Hart - 50 years
Geoff Rawcliffe - 55 years
It is hardly surprising that with this level of dedication, our Society is truly fabulous! And seriously, some of the people on this list don't even look old enough for their awards... ;-)
'Dame' Hannah