Monday, 21 February 2011

Lots of leaflets!

I've got loads and loads of leaflets ready for publicising the show - so now we need helpers to distribute them. We're having a day handing out leaflets on Saturday 5th March between 10 and 3 (in or out of costume!) and plastering town with them but where else can we put them? If you can take any number and put them up in your local village shop, library, doctor's surgery or pub then please see me at rehearsals. The more prominent we can make them the more tickets we can sell.

If you have any suggestions for where they can go, let me know!!

See you on Tuesday night,

'Dame' Hannah

Sunday, 6 February 2011

First floorwork rehearsal went well - I think...!

It's that time of year again - the first rehearsal with THE DIRECTOR! We might be a very small cast this year, but good grief we work hard! I suppose I shouldn't tempt fate, but apart from forgetting the lyrics now that we have to multitask (move about the room AND sing!), we were pretty good! We just need to remember it all again next time ;-)

I'm off to write down what I'm supposed to be doing, if I haven't forgotten it already....!

'Dame' Hannah

PS On Tuesday we need to take a whole cast photo and possibly the principle cast head-shots so please remember to a) smile and b) tart yourself up (if needed!!!)